martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

My fears and Phobias...(I'm scared)

Well,    I'm very jumpy.. I am feared of darkness because in the darkness all your fears can be real.. I don't know... The exorcist girl can be by your side and you aren't aware of it, an underworld beast can also be by your side in the darkness.. but when you turn on the light all that disappears and you are alone... (in the dark) that's a joke. xD xD.

And here is a trailer of a videogame called:
PHOBIA the fear of darkness.


FEARS OF....FAMOUS PERSONS. (this is serious please don't joke about)

We all have our fears--heights, spiders, the dark. You may not believe it, but even rich and famous celebrities have common, everyday fears just like the rest of us.

For example:

 - Pamela Anderson fears mirrors. (Does that mean she's              afraid to look at her reflection?)                                  

 - Uma Thurman is claustrophobic and fears confined  spaces. "There was no acting required. Real screams available," she told reporters about the scene in "Kill Bill: Vol. 2" where she is buried alive in a coffin. "It was horrific. Nobody wants to live that experience."


lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

The globe Theatre

The point is this:

 What was the difference between the globe theater and the Elizabethan theater?

Nothing. The Globe theatre was one of the Elizabethan theatres. Think of "Elizabethan" as a time or type, not an actual theatre with that name.

And here is a video of Willy explaining it: 

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Some blogs you will like.

Here are three Blogs (I don't remember anymore)

The english phone box the link is here:


If you like trailers and videogames you will love this blog:

You'll enjoy it.

Miguel and Alberto

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

First Second and Third conditional May, Might and Should, Shouldn't"""yuhuu......""""

Here are some explanations of the three conditionals and may and might and I hope this explanations will help you.
-Use if + present, will + infinitive to talk about possibles future situation and its consequence.
-The if clause can come first or second: I'll come if you like OR If you like, I'll come.
-If I miss the bus, I'll get a taxi.
-She wont'be angry if you tell her the truth.
-What will you do if it rains?

-Use if + past, would + infinitie to talk about an improbable/impossible or hypothetical future situation and its consequence.
-Would/Wouldn't is the same for all people.
-The contraction of would is 'd (I'd, you'd, he'd, etc.)and of would not is wouldn't.
-If a beard attacked me, I'd run away.
-If I didn't have children, I wouldn't live in the country.
-Would you take the manager's job if they offered it to you?

THIRD CONDITIONAL:no possibility

The first conditional and second conditionals talk about the future. With the third conditional we talk about the past. We talk about a condition in the past that did not happen. That is why there is no possibility for this condition. The third conditional is also like a dream, but with no possibility of the dream coming true.-Last week you bought a lottery ticket. But you did not win.


The explanation of the conditionals in this amazing video



- Use might / may and might not / may not + infinitive to talk about future possibility.

- Might / May (not) is the same for all persons

              Another explanation but this is of may and might

Should and Shouldn't 

I only have one thing to show you 
an exercise

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Two songs that you will like very much :)

Here is a song called "And we danced" from Macklemore and Ryan Lewis if you like party you'll like this song

Also here is a song called "American idiot" from Green day and this is a crazy song but it is amazing you'll enjoy it.

These two songs are AWSOME.... like you:)

Miguel and Alberto

My opinion about the book of "The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas" and a trailer from its movie

the book treats a very sad topic like the Holocaust from the point of view of a child who knows nothing of what's going on until he meets Shmuel a child with striped pyjamas that lives at the other side of the fence.

I think this photo is the best I can show you because it's a very representative symbol off the book and I liked so much.

and here is the trailer I think is best the book than the movie but that's my opinion.

Hello !! here we lend you some photos of Dr.menguele and his experiments.There where horrible experiments.



jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

My opinion about the book "THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMA".Alberto

My first impression about this book was like a book about history but when you begin to read it you begin to feel that you are in that age and the experience is wonderful but and the same time is sad because this was the real life in that age .

The part that is more sad is when the two friends can´t been playing because one is jude and the other is german and its difficoult to explain how nazis treated the jeuds.

The book is wonderful I recomend you to read it . :)

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

The Remembrance Week

We are going to talk about the Holocaust, It's sad to talk about this but is part of the history.

Terezin Children's Drawings:

Children painted what they saw and these were their pictures look at
the good side they drew very well :

Codename RICHARD concentration camp:

This place was a limestone mine an hour north of Prague but when allied bombs threatened in 1944 the Germans started moving their arms factories into any and all available mines/caves/undergrounds anywhere they could find–including this one.  After all it had an especially convenient source of slaves.
Terezin Concentration Camp was located an old fort right in the village and so every day the Nazis would drive hundreds of workers–many dying of dysentary rampant in the camp–into Richard to work the machines, manufacturing tank parts.  It was basically a giant, underground machine shop working round-the-clock in two, twelve-hour shifts.
There are other concentration camps but this one has caught my attention because it was secret. Here is the link if you want to know more here is also a video of this secret concentration camp I hope you enjoy.

The SHOAH or The Final Solution:

Holocaust is the'' final solution'' to annihilate all the Jews who lived in Europe, according to Nazi ideology.
Holocaust is also something compared to God, his Hebrew term (Shoah) is a more accurate description to describe the genocide in Jewish culture.

Shoah means destruction or cataclysm in Hebrew and that's what happened Nazis destroyed many Jew communities.
 Here are some photos 

and that's all


martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Two trailers

Hi!  Here  you have two trailers that deal with the time of persecution of the Al qaeda

 Trailer of: Codename Geronimo

 Trailer of: Zero Dark Thirty

Alberto and Miguel