jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

First Second and Third conditional May, Might and Should, Shouldn't"""yuhuu......""""

Here are some explanations of the three conditionals and may and might and I hope this explanations will help you.
-Use if + present, will + infinitive to talk about possibles future situation and its consequence.
-The if clause can come first or second: I'll come if you like OR If you like, I'll come.
-If I miss the bus, I'll get a taxi.
-She wont'be angry if you tell her the truth.
-What will you do if it rains?

-Use if + past, would + infinitie to talk about an improbable/impossible or hypothetical future situation and its consequence.
-Would/Wouldn't is the same for all people.
-The contraction of would is 'd (I'd, you'd, he'd, etc.)and of would not is wouldn't.
-If a beard attacked me, I'd run away.
-If I didn't have children, I wouldn't live in the country.
-Would you take the manager's job if they offered it to you?

THIRD CONDITIONAL:no possibility

The first conditional and second conditionals talk about the future. With the third conditional we talk about the past. We talk about a condition in the past that did not happen. That is why there is no possibility for this condition. The third conditional is also like a dream, but with no possibility of the dream coming true.-Last week you bought a lottery ticket. But you did not win.


The explanation of the conditionals in this amazing video



- Use might / may and might not / may not + infinitive to talk about future possibility.

- Might / May (not) is the same for all persons

              Another explanation but this is of may and might

Should and Shouldn't 

I only have one thing to show you 
an exercise

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