domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

The Remembrance Week

We are going to talk about the Holocaust, It's sad to talk about this but is part of the history.

Terezin Children's Drawings:

Children painted what they saw and these were their pictures look at
the good side they drew very well :

Codename RICHARD concentration camp:

This place was a limestone mine an hour north of Prague but when allied bombs threatened in 1944 the Germans started moving their arms factories into any and all available mines/caves/undergrounds anywhere they could find–including this one.  After all it had an especially convenient source of slaves.
Terezin Concentration Camp was located an old fort right in the village and so every day the Nazis would drive hundreds of workers–many dying of dysentary rampant in the camp–into Richard to work the machines, manufacturing tank parts.  It was basically a giant, underground machine shop working round-the-clock in two, twelve-hour shifts.
There are other concentration camps but this one has caught my attention because it was secret. Here is the link if you want to know more here is also a video of this secret concentration camp I hope you enjoy.

The SHOAH or The Final Solution:

Holocaust is the'' final solution'' to annihilate all the Jews who lived in Europe, according to Nazi ideology.
Holocaust is also something compared to God, his Hebrew term (Shoah) is a more accurate description to describe the genocide in Jewish culture.

Shoah means destruction or cataclysm in Hebrew and that's what happened Nazis destroyed many Jew communities.
 Here are some photos 

and that's all


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